News from the editor

Your summer reading lists?

Wow, been so pulled into other things RED—and, in my day-job, closing the biggest issue of ELLE ever—that I've completely neglected this blog. I'm so sorry, just haven't gotten anything of a summer this year.

But in those slivers of free time, and the pleasure of being on the other side of making a book and reading hundreds of essays, I'm remembering how much I love to read. Basic, I know, but one of those great things in life that it's so easy to let go by the wayside. Never again!

Just to name a couple of books, all novels (back to fiction!) that have rocked my summer and I bet you'd like a lot, too:

-All Souls by Christine Schutt

-Lush Life by Richard Price

-Goldengrove by Francine Prose (though I don't think it's officially out till Sept, bet you can pre-order now)

Have you read any of these? If you do, please send/post your reviews, would love to hear what you think.

And of course, please tell us YOUR summer reading finds.  As ever, Amy



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